Thursday, July 13, 2006

if you guys really want me to stop smoking, SUPPORT me. ENCOURAGE me. give your ALL to make sure that i will STOP smoking. BUT so far, what i'm getting is some fuckup shit. first, you don't want to get for me any kind of nicotine patches or gums. INSTEAD, you ask me to quit on my own. second, you want me to stop smoking BUT WITHOUT ANY HELP. if i don't have gums or patches, how do you expect me to stop smoking IN THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME? then that mother of mine, you said i could get either patches or gums but my happiness was short-lived. you wanted to STOP giving me my daily pocket money. HOW THE SHIT AM I SUPPOSED TO GO OUT IF I DON'T HAVE MONEY? then you said if i have money, i will buy cigarettes. i rebutted, saying that if you buy patches, i will NOT buy cigarettes because patches can feed me nicotine, isn't that simple logic? oh i get it now. its all because of money. MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. no, i'm not referring to the song. when we talk about something that involves money, you guys FREAK out ALL THE TIME. is it so hard to fork out an amount of $30 a month from your SORRY ASS salaries that you bring home which is about $7,000 per month, to help your youngest son to quit his habit? is it so FUCKING HARD? yeah, it's very hard for your sorry asses. if you WANT it this way, so BE IT. and guess what? i'm taking ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD to quit smoking. in the shortest or longest time, its none of your FUCKING business. call me rude but just so you know, "sticks and stones may break my bones BUT words could NEVER HURT ME."

12.39 a.m

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